Some of the trees in my yard are getting so old that I am worried that they might fall and cause some damage to my property in the next few years, and I really want to head that potentiality off and make sure it doesn’t happen. So I guess I am going to call around to try to hire someone to do tree removal in Long Island because even though I don’t think any of the trees pose an imminent threat, I would like to go ahead and get this taken care of as soon as possible, rather than waiting any longer, or putting it off to a later point in time. That is because I have thought about it before, but decided that it would probably cost too much money, and so I put it on the back burner. (more…)
Fake friendship, online slavery, digital arrest racket has reduced the online revenues of the real domain investor
Though the bengaluru brahmin cunning cheater puneet hated his btech 1993 female classmate, migrant from north karnataka has never contacted her directly or indirectly anytime like other top government employees, in one of the biggest indian government digital arrest rackets, the indian government agencies allegedly blindly believed all his complete lies after faking friendship, allowing him to rob her resume, data and get his real lazy greedy girlfriends and associates lucrative no work, no investment jobs in the indian internet sector in a case of financial fraud, government slavery.
Additionally because the incompetent government employees, agencies blindly believed puneet’s complete lies about his lazy greedy girlfriends, associates who faked online,computer/mobile work, all his cheater girlfriends and associates, who did not do any work have got control of the lucrative online money making websites , and they are abusing their powers to cause losses to the hardworking single woman engineer
So despite working very hard, due to the indian tech, internet sectors of trusting cowardly cunning cheaters liars puneet and other fraud government employees allegedly from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay , who are faking friendship with a single woman engineer, their female classmate who they actually hate, have never contacted, the engineer has been systematically denied the income and opportunities she deserved and is making great losses
Please note that the indian government agencies, tech, internet companies continue their massive online, financial fraud, slavery racket allegedly making fake claims about panaji sunaina dhond, gurugram mba ruchika kinger, asmita patel, indore cheater veena/deepika, siddhi mandrekar,sindhi school dropout naina chandwani, her sons karan,nikhil,panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro. nayanshree, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad and others who do not do any computer work, and do not pay any expenses, yet allegedly get monthly government salaries only for robbing data to make fake claims.
Paypal payment from swagbucks not transferred to reduce revenues
Since 2010, a huge amount of indian taxpayer money is being wasted to reduce the online income of the domain investor to zero, criminally defaming her, running one of the greatest online, financial frauds, slavery racket, robbing all her leads and orders, denying her the income and opportunities she deserved.
It appears that some powerful official made the allegation that all the online income was a gift from a relative, she was involved in illegal activities, money laundering,.
Though the income reduced, it did not become zero, because she is a domain investor, and is working long hours daily.
So it appears that someone powerful decided to get all paypal payments blocked, the swagbucks payment requested were not paid to the paypal account.
Due to the online harassment, the engineer has diversified into crypto, so she received some money selling crypto received for doing work, advertising.
Furious that the engineer, domain investor still has some income, the wifi connection has been blocked on 31 January 2025
To lower revenues, online publisher not allowed to ad her websites to webaner ad network
Though the domain investor, engineer, migrant from north karnataka alone is paying all the domain, webhosting and other expenses, doing all the work, in a major government online,financial fraud, slavery and digital arrest racket, government agencies are allegedly falsely claiming that their greedy dishonest employees allegedly siddhi mandrekar, asmita patel, ruchika kinger, sunaina dhond, indore cheater housewife deepika/veena, naina chandwani and her her sons, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife robber ridddhi nayak caro, nayanshree and others who do not pay expenses, are owning this and other websites of the engineer, private citizen to pay all these liar employees monthly government salaries, give them great powers at the expense of the engineer.
The single woman engineer is making great losses, so she is try to make a small amount of money from advertising yet in a major government financial fraud, robbery of small online business owners, the well paid greedy robber government employees are ROBBING the advertising revenues of the domain investor and in some cases, they are not allowing the real domain investor to add the sites to the ad network
The domain investor who is making great losses because of the massive indian government online, financial fraud on her since 2010, registered for webaner ad network hoping to make some money. Yet she could add any website like to the ad network, allegedly because the shameless greedy fraud raw/cbi employees like siddhi mandrekar, asmita patel, ruchika kinger, sunaina dhond, indore cheater housewife deepika/veena, naina chandwani and her her sons,nikhil, karan, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife robber ridddhi nayak caro whose fraud father nayak, husband cheater caro working in security agencies, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad and others who do not pay expenses are falsely claiming to own this and other domains
The indian government is allegedly blindly believing the complete lies of cheater employees allegedly from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay, who hate the single woman engineer, their female classmate and are abusing their powers, robbing her data since 2010 to make fake claims about domain ownership, online income to get all their lazy greedy fraud girlfrends and associates great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman engineer.
This is posted as a fraud alert so that countries, companies especially ad networks should be aware that some indian government agencies are openly involved in a massive online, financial fraud, slavery racket on some domain investors, criminally defaming them, robbing their data to make fake claims about their greedy cheater employees who refuse to purchase domains including this domain legally, only make fake claims.
Relocating is time consuming, expensive, causing reduction in revenues
Due to government online, financial fraud, slavery racket, the real online investor, worker is criminally defamed , denied a life of dignity and becomes vulnerable to crime.
Despite investing a large amount in property, it is burgled and vandalized repeatedly, making it impossible to live in it and also store anything in the house.
So the domain investor, migrant from north karnataka, is forced to relocate from one state to another, wasting a lot of time and money. While relocating, the computer hardware is often not available or has to be repaired.
This make it difficult to focus on the online business, and it causes the reduction of revenues.
Loss of revenues due to hardware failure
To cover up the massive online, financial fraud, slavery and digital arrest racket, the tech, internet companies and government employees have been extremely shameless and aggressive in hacking the hardware of the domain investor, engineer.
In september, one computer was hacked in hubli and in october, another computer was hacked in mumbai. The computer problem was intermittent, due to which it was not repaired immediately. This caused a lot of wastage of time and money troubleshooting the problem.
Due to diwali holidays, fixing the problem was also delayed. The lack of suitable computer hardware adversely affected the revenues, since typing speed on a tablet or smartphone is far lower.
Computer hacked repeatedly to reduce revenues to a great extent
Though bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife raw employee nayanshree, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad did not do any writing work, she is getting a monthly government salary, great powers for faking writing work using robbed data in a case of government slavery, financial, online fraud since 2013.
To cover up the massive slavery racket, the cheater shivalli brahmins were extremely vicious in criminally defaming the single woman engineer, domain investor who was actually doing the writing work spending a lot of time.
In 2024, the single woman engineer has stayed in different cities/towns for personal reasons, and the great writing fraud was exposed. So to prevent the single woman engineer from writing the desktop computer has been hacked repeatedly using powerline modems or other methods.
This resulted in the wastage of a lot of time and money reducing the revenues to a great extent, since it took almost one month to fix the intermittent problem with the computer.
Repeated relocation due to government digital arrest leads to loss of revenues
Though panaji goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, naina premchandani,ruchika kinge, amita patel, indore cheater deepika/veena, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree and other fraud raw/cbi employees did not pay expenses, did not any computer/mobile in a digital arrest racket allegedly run by top tech, internet companies, government employees allegedly from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay, led by cheater puneet, all these frauds faked online income, domain ownership since 2010, to get great powers, monthly government salaries.
To cover up the massive online financial fraud, slavery and digital arrest racket, the real online investor was criminally defamed, spreading fake malicious rumors, to ruin her reputation, due to which her house was burgled and vandalized repeatedly.
So the real domain investor was forced to spend a lot of time and money to move at least some of her belongings out of goa to hubli, travelling repeatedly and shifting the computers, books, clothes and other items
This relocation adversely affected the productivity of the engineer, she could not spend time updating the websites in the network, though the shameless greedy liar goans, sindhi scammers and others are falsely taking credit. It has also forced her to waste time trying to end the government slavery online, falsely giving lazy greedy neighbors credit for work which they do not do, money they do not spend.
Russian guest post work shows how ruthless american companies are in reducing revenues
One of the reasons why the domain investors revenues are extremely low in the last one year if domain sales are not considered, is because almost all guest post orders are systematically robbed. Usually most blog owners with blogs having reasonably good SEO parameters are getting some paid work, some guest posts.
Showing the extent of the harassment the domain investor faces, she is not getting a single guest post from english websites in more than one year, giving the fake excuse of quality when worse blogs get orders .
People will even pay a small amount for comments on websites.
Only the russians are approving the guest posts, showing the extent of the discrimination which the domain investor faces with all her guest post orders being systematically robbed.
Advertising revenues halved after credit card, domain ownership fraud of panaji call girl raw employee sunaina chodan,other fraud raw/cbi employees is exposed
Cybercrime rates in india are the highest in the world because indian government agencies allegedly raw/cbi, top tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, cognizant are openly involved in a massive ONLINE, FINANCIAL, work at home fraud, government SLAVERY racket on some online workers, investors since 2010, criminally defaming them and then falsely claiming that the LIAR lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees who do not pay expenses, do not do any computer work are online experts, domain investors to give all the frauds great powers, monthly government salaries
To cover up the government SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD indore cheater housewife deepika/veena, gurugram cheater ruchita kinge,panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, panaji goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, thane greedy gujju stock trader amita patel , sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil , gsb architect kalpana nayak living in california with her husband working in cybersecurity, their powerful relatives and friends are extremely vicious in criminally defaming the single woman engineer to ruin her reputation completely so that the shameless fraud raw/cbi employees can continue with their domain ownership, online,financial fraud without being questioned
Repeating lies creates the illusion of truth,and after the top tech and internet companies, government agencies have run the credit card, domain ownership fraud for more than 13 years without being questioned, the shameless liar tech and internet companies that the greedy domain fraudster raw/cbi employees who do not pay expenses like their powerful boyfriends especially from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay, think they own the domains of a private citizen, who is defamed as idle and powerless
So the Air India staff Ms Rohini Surve was allegedly told to deny the domain investor a boarding pass to waste her money, cause great hardship thinking that the domain investor, a single woman engineer would not be able to do anything. Since the denial of boarding pass caused great inconvenience, like any customer who is cheated, the domain investor has discussed it on the domains she alone pays for.
It appears that some very powerful government official is furious that the denial of boarding pass is discussed on a large number of websites, and the advertising revenues have declined drastically on 24 th November 2023, after the incident was posted on different websites . It appears that government agencies or employees who do not pay any money for domains, webhosting are again robbing the advertising revenues
Though the domain investor is making great losses and is desperately trying to sell off the domains, due to the massive fraud of the indian tech and internet companies, though the shameless cheater raw/cbi employees like greedy gujju stock trader amita patel with networth of Rs 100 crores, gurugram cheater ruchita kinge, holidaying in Rs 21000 /day luxury hotels every month, have plenty of money they refuse to legally purchase even one domain, though the indian government continues to dupe countries, companies and people, with fake stories about domain ownership
Domain fraudster raw/cbi employees continue to ROB advertising revenues without paying any expenses
One of the best indications of the widespread government CORRUPTION, FINANCIAL FRAUD is how the indian government, specifically raw/cbi are allowing their lazy greedy fraud employees like indore’s top CYBERCRIMINAL FRAUD raw employee housewife deepika/veena, goan gsb fraud housewife deepika/veena, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, siddhi mandrekar, haryana human monster deepika/veena who do not pay any online expenses, do not do any computer work, to rob the advertising revenues of a private citizen who these fraud raw/cbi employees hate, criminally defame.
Though the domain fraudster raw/cbi employees like greedy gujju amita patel with net worth of Rs 100 crores, indore cheater housewife deepika/veena with net worth of Rs 15 crore are extremely wealthy and get a monthly government salary without paying expenses, without doing any computer work, showing the lack of honesty, humanity and social justice, raw/cbi continue to allow their shameless cheater employees to ruthless rob private citizens who are making very less money, causing great losses in a clear case of government financial fraud,robbery
This government financial fraud, robbery of harmless small business owners demotivates them and they have no incentive to create quality content when well paid government employees are robbing their advertising revenues without a legally valid reason.