Since 2010, a huge amount of indian taxpayer money is being wasted to reduce the online income of the domain investor to zero, criminally defaming her, running one of the greatest online, financial frauds, slavery racket, robbing all her leads and orders, denying her the income and opportunities she deserved.
It appears that some powerful official made the allegation that all the online income was a gift from a relative, she was involved in illegal activities, money laundering,.
Though the income reduced, it did not become zero, because she is a domain investor, and is working long hours daily.
So it appears that someone powerful decided to get all paypal payments blocked, the swagbucks payment requested were not paid to the paypal account.
Due to the online harassment, the engineer has diversified into crypto, so she received some money selling crypto received for doing work, advertising.
Furious that the engineer, domain investor still has some income, the wifi connection has been blocked on 31 January 2025
Month: January 2025
To lower revenues, online publisher not allowed to ad her websites to webaner ad network
Though the domain investor, engineer, migrant from north karnataka alone is paying all the domain, webhosting and other expenses, doing all the work, in a major government online,financial fraud, slavery and digital arrest racket, government agencies are allegedly falsely claiming that their greedy dishonest employees allegedly siddhi mandrekar, asmita patel, ruchika kinger, sunaina dhond, indore cheater housewife deepika/veena, naina chandwani and her her sons, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife robber ridddhi nayak caro, nayanshree and others who do not pay expenses, are owning this and other websites of the engineer, private citizen to pay all these liar employees monthly government salaries, give them great powers at the expense of the engineer.
The single woman engineer is making great losses, so she is try to make a small amount of money from advertising yet in a major government financial fraud, robbery of small online business owners, the well paid greedy robber government employees are ROBBING the advertising revenues of the domain investor and in some cases, they are not allowing the real domain investor to add the sites to the ad network
The domain investor who is making great losses because of the massive indian government online, financial fraud on her since 2010, registered for webaner ad network hoping to make some money. Yet she could add any website like to the ad network, allegedly because the shameless greedy fraud raw/cbi employees like siddhi mandrekar, asmita patel, ruchika kinger, sunaina dhond, indore cheater housewife deepika/veena, naina chandwani and her her sons,nikhil, karan, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife robber ridddhi nayak caro whose fraud father nayak, husband cheater caro working in security agencies, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad and others who do not pay expenses are falsely claiming to own this and other domains
The indian government is allegedly blindly believing the complete lies of cheater employees allegedly from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay, who hate the single woman engineer, their female classmate and are abusing their powers, robbing her data since 2010 to make fake claims about domain ownership, online income to get all their lazy greedy fraud girlfrends and associates great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman engineer.
This is posted as a fraud alert so that countries, companies especially ad networks should be aware that some indian government agencies are openly involved in a massive online, financial fraud, slavery racket on some domain investors, criminally defaming them, robbing their data to make fake claims about their greedy cheater employees who refuse to purchase domains including this domain legally, only make fake claims.
Relocating is time consuming, expensive, causing reduction in revenues
Due to government online, financial fraud, slavery racket, the real online investor, worker is criminally defamed , denied a life of dignity and becomes vulnerable to crime.
Despite investing a large amount in property, it is burgled and vandalized repeatedly, making it impossible to live in it and also store anything in the house.
So the domain investor, migrant from north karnataka, is forced to relocate from one state to another, wasting a lot of time and money. While relocating, the computer hardware is often not available or has to be repaired.
This make it difficult to focus on the online business, and it causes the reduction of revenues.