Author: admin

For blocking payment, closing account of google competitor, google, tata making fake claims about bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar

It can be easily and legally proved that the google, tata sponsored bengaluru R&AW employee shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar is only looking after her house and family, she is not doing any work online, not spending any time doing work online.

However her relatives like kodancha, hathwar are very powerful intelligence and security agency employees with a lot of discretionary powers and can abuse these powers to block the payment, steal leads, orders and close the account of the google competitor on almost every online website without being questioned at all.

So in a barter deal, the fraud companies google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi, are putting the google competitor under surveillance and falsely claiming that the shivalli brahmin bengaluru housewife nayanshree hathwar, goan bhandari sex worker sunaina, gsb frauds siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak and other frauds are doing the work online, to pay all these frauds a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the google competitor, causing further losses, reducing her revenues.

Goan gsb fraud mafia blocks another payment of google competitor as part of deal for raw/cbi jobs for goan gsb frauds riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar with fake resumes

Working online is a waste of time in goa, because the shameless goan gsb fraud mafia of caro, mandrekar, nayak in intelligence and security agencies are ruthless in blocking payment of the google competitor, abusing their powers to cause losses, reduce revenues as part of deal for raw/cbi jobs for goan gsb frauds housewife riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar with fake resumes, stolen from google competitor

An ad network Li , based in Texas was supposed to make payment on March 10, 2018 as the amount balance was more than $25, however despite opening many support tickets, the payment has not been released
However as part of the google, tata bribery deal, the goan gsb fraud mafia especially caro,mandrekar are supposed to abuse their powers and misguide all the foreign ad networks, so that they do not release the payment, and then the shameless fraud google,tata employees will dupe people that the greedy shameless goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi, who do not spend any money on domain names, own the domains, website of the google competitor

Google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar has plenty of money to spend dancing in pubs with an entrance fee of Rs 1500 a night, purchase a car worth Rs 4 lakh yet she does not have the decency, honesty and humanity to pay the market price of domains which mostly cost Rs 30000 or less each, still they are blocking the payment repeatedly

it appears that a very powerful person in austin texas, was duped by the lies of the goan gsb fraud mafia, because when she complained about the website, hosting, domain expenses, she got a very low offer for an expensive domain.

google ceo sundar pichai is one of the greatest financial fraudsters online,allegedly bribing the indian government to falsely claim that lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan prostitute R&AW employees slim goan bhandari sunaina chodan 2013 bsc, 2012 goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, FRAUD RAW/cbi employees like panaji extortionist gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, brahmin housewife nayanshree hathwar, indore document robber veena, gujju housewife naina, asmita patel, ruchika and others faking a btech 1993 ee degree , have the resume, investment of the google competitor
This is causing greatest financial problems for the google competitor as her payment from american and other companies is being blocked repeatedly by the google, tata sponsored fraud R&&AW/cbi employes who are impersonating her and falsely claiming to own her websites, domains, without spending any money and time online.

crores of indian tax payer money are wasted due to the google financial fraud, so the google ceo should be stripped of his btech 1993 degree by iit kharagpur

Any tips to end the payment blocking fraud of the goan mafia will be greatly appreciated as investing time and money online has become a waste of time

Advertising revenues of google competitor reducing due to NTRo’s sex, bribery racket

NTRO is the biggest fraud indian government agency , putting a google competitor under surveillance, and then falsely claiming that the google, tata supplied goan call girls their employees have sex with, cheater housewives, document robbers like indore crook veena , and relatives of officials like nayanshree, riddhi nayak, who do not spend any money online, own the domain names of the google competitor, to pay all these frauds a monthly government/raw/cbi salary at the expense of the domain investor, google competitor who is working like a slave.

Additionally ntro along with raw is also blocking most ad sales for the google competitor, to cover up their sex, bribery racket, financial fraud, so now the advertising revenues of the domain investor, google competitor are static, often decreasing. So the domain investor only makes enough to cover renewals of the domains she has, she does not have the money to pay for registration, renewals of more domains.She is also not interested in wasting her savings on the fraud controlled indian internet sector.

So now the google competitor can only afford to do product research, where she has to spend time, she has no money for domain research due to indian government, google, tata, ntro’s financial fraud on her since 2010. When the financial fraud of NTRO will end,only then the engineer will be able to do some research.

In April 2018, ntro ruthless in reducing revenues of google competitor

It appears that the sex, bribery ntro, google, tata racket, deal was mainly focussed on greatly reducing the revenues of the google competior, so that the resume theft, banking fraud of ntro was not exposed. In March 2018, with a domain sale, the revenues increased to the highest level in 3 years. It appears google was very upset at the increase, so instructions were given to do everything to reduce revenues.
So there are almost no articles at iwriter, and no link sales
There are many top officials like mandrekar, caro, nayak, hathwar, j srinivasan, involved in the sex, bribery racket, so there is a great incentive to reduce the revenues to the extent possible

Another payment blocked by fraud google, tata sponsored R&AW/cbi fraud employees relatives

bitcoin mining

Though goan gsb frauds riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar, brahmin fraud nayanshree hathwar have never done any work online, have not invested any money online, google, tata have got these women R&AW/cbi jobs with fake resumes, fake investment, so that their powerful relatives like caro, mandrekar, hathwar, kodancha abuse their powers and make fake claims defaming the google competitor and block her payment at every opportunity.

In March 2018, another payment from an american ad network was blocked as part of the google, tata, bribery deal , getting jobs for nayanshree, riddhi, sidhi with fake resume stolen from the google competitor

Now the domain investor will go to mumbai and again try to get her funds released,as fewer officials are bribed in mumbai with jobs for their relatives unlike the shameless fraud goan employees mandrekar, caro, nayak, pritesh chodan, hathwar, kodancha

Fraud goan bhandari officials should stop giving goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan offering sex services credit for online revenues

Goan bhandari intelligence and security agency employees are involved in a major BANKING FRAUD, SEX RACKET since 2010, when they falsely give goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc offering sex services to ntro, government employees credit, a monthly salary and great powers for the revenues of a single woman bhandari engineer, who goan bhandari sex worker sunaina’s lovers hate
No one is disputing the fact that google, tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan is offering world class sex services however the goan bhandari security agency employees especially panaji police are pampering the lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc blindly believing the lies of the ntro employees having sex with sunaina , as sunaina has never done any work online, has not invested any money online, only relies on fraud raw, cbi, google, tata employees to dupe people with their lies
The panaji police are allegedly pampering and protecting sex worker sunaina in her criminal trespassing activity, real estate fraud in panaji, goa on the google competitor in an indication of the complete breakdown of law and order in panaji

Brahmin fraud NTRO employees puneet, j srinivasan, parmar are directly responsible for the reduced revenues of google competitor

The revenue of the google competitor is reduced, because fraud NTRO employees are not allowing her to make any money in India so that their bribery, sex, resume theft racket is not exposed wasting crores of indian tax payer money annually, and NSA, google, CIA are greatly limiting the money she is making in the United states dt
Till 2007, the google competitor had worked almost exclusively with indian customers and there was no complaint of cheating against her as she had not cheated anyone, and no one will make fake allegations against an experienced engineer without any proof .
However when brahmin fraud ntro employees domlur director puneet , j srinivasan, parmar, patel, vijay and others started rewarding all frauds making fake allegations against the google competitor, without any legally valid proof,FAKING HELP, it has become extremely difficult for her to get any kind of work in India.
In addition to stealing leads, orders, and blocking payment they are also asking everyone to file fake cases against the google competitor to extort money, if she tries to communicate with them, or receives any payment.
The worst part of the great fraud is that till date the section 420 ntro employees puneet, j srinivasan, parmar and others have refused to provide any information of those who were making fake allegations without any proof against the google competitor, though they have stolen her hard earned money clearly indicating their help was 100% FAKE AND FRAUD
It is a clear case of discrimination when ntro is wasting crores of rupees annually, so that she does not make any money in india and their SEX, bribery, resume theft fraud is not exposed. If the wastage of crores of indian tax payer money was stopped, the revenues would definitely increase

No reply from buyer – google associates blocking order

CCI correctly penalized google because it is asking its associates like goan gsb fraud ridhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar, hathwar, kodancha (who are bribed with jobs), caro to block orders, payment at every opportunity . For example for this enquiry, the google competitor did not receive any reply , because of google defamation of the competitor who must have mislead the buyer


As mentioned in the advertisement, we need writers who can create quality social media descriptions for facebook, twitter etc. Each description rages between 20-50 words (80-300 characters) and is assigned in lots of 50 to 200 or 300 descriptions. We expect the writers to send us at least 100 descriptions within 24 hours. The payout for these is INR 5 per description and aproximately 1500 – 2000 descriptions are expected to be done by a writer in a month.

Please let me know if you are interested and we will take it forward accordingly with a short test (unpaid) for the same


Validation mail hacked for Virily by google associates

Google associates in ntro gettting sex, money, job bribes, are ruthless in blocking payment to reduce revenues
As there are almost no new link sales, no articles available, the google competitor tried to sign up for virily to make some additional money to pay for domain expenses
However the validation mail was hacked by ntro employees, and she could not use it for activating her account.
She wasted a lot of time , yet it was not activated, as the url was changed by the bribe taking ntro employees.
This is another way google is destroying competition in India , which is why the Rs 136 crore fine is very less, it should be increased as many ntro employees are freelancing for google using ntro equipment, wasting indian tax payer money

Google’s corporate espionage on link seller competing with google adwords, GSTR-1 filing problem

Though raw employees nayanshree, siddhi, veena, deepika and other fraud raw/cbi employees are not doing any work online, not investing any money online, they are getting credit and a monthly indian government salary so that they bribe the relevant officials to hack the computer, websites of the google competitor and cause losses, waste time.
The latest example is how the google competitor is unable to file gstr-1 online as her account has been hacked and she is unable to file returns online
She has wasted her time for 3 days, yet she is unable to save any data
Google should be penalized more for the fraud as the shameless raw/cbi employees falsely want to take credit for work they do not do, money they do not spend.