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to increase losses, raw disables multiwall-ads for exposing sindhi sex queen naina premchandani, her scammer sons

Though top indian government employees like tushar parekh, parmar, nikhil sha, puneet are getting excellent monthly government salary, pension,BRIBES they do not have the honesty and humanity to use the salary, bribe money to keep their favorite sex service providers like kolhapur/panaji sindhi sex queen naina premchandani happy.

Instead these greedy CHEATER top government employees are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING a hardworking older single woman domain investor and then falsely claiming that the domains,including this one, bank account, belongs to the kolhapur/panaji sindhi sex queen schooldropout naina premchandani who looks like actresss sneha wagh, her scammer sons, karan, pune bank fraudster axe bank manager sindhi scammer raw employee nikhil premchandani who have refused to legally purchase the domains like naina’s lovers, goan CALL GIRL raw employees goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar , yet get monthly government salaries for FAKING domain ownership, bank account since 2014
R&AW, indian government are extremely ruthless in causing losses to the real domain investor who is paying for the domains so that the goan, sindhi SEX SERVICE PROVIDER raw/cbi employees siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, kolhapur/panaji sindhi sex queen naina premchandani and her scammer sons pune bank fraudster bank manager sindhi scammer raw employee nikhil premchandani, karan are not exposed.
In the latest example of how raw is causing losses to the domain investor the advertising on the was intentionally disabled for exposing the raw/cbi domain ownership, financial fraud, so that she has no passive income at all.

CORRUPT LIAR karnataka officials blocking payment for exposing bengaluru brahmin cheater raw employee housewife nayanshree’s WRITING, BANKING, EDUCATIONAL FRAUD

usually the officials from a state are defending professionals, investors, only in karnataka the corruption the CORRUPTION levels are extremely high, and the fraud mostly shivalli brahmin karnataka officials are openly involved in CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer from north karnataka so that their lazy greedy fraud relative bengaluru brahmin cheater raw employee housewife nayanshree, 2005 bbm from bhandarkars college of arts and science kundapura wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad can steal her resume, data and get a monthly government salary for faking a btech 1993 ee degree from iit bombay
The cheater shivalli brahmin officials kodancha, hathwar were extremely vicious in their criminal defamation of the single woman engineer with the help of fraud top indian government employees j srinivasan (roll no. 438) and puneet ( roll no. 435) from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay ( who got career help), so their cheater relative nayanshree has got away with her WRITING, BANKING, EDUCATIONAL FRAUD for 10 years since 2013
After the bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree is well established in her EDUCATIONAL, WRITING, BANKING FRAUD, the torture of the engineer has reduced, and it is now clear that she was criminally defamed only so bengaluru brahmin cheater raw employee housewife nayanshree could commit her WRITING, BANKING, EDUCATIONAL FRAUD without being questioned
Now to ensure that bengaluru brahmin cheater raw employee housewife nayanshree endless frauds are not exposed, the single woman engineer finds that her payment’s are only blocked so that she suffers losses and agrees to the humiliating identity theft.
Additionally CORRUPT LIAR karnataka officials blocking payment for exposing panaji goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan ONLINE, EDUCATIONAL FRAUD , since the scammer shivalli brahmins have a deal with the greedy goan bhandaris CHEATER chodankar, naik, to CRIMINALLY DEFAME, cheat, exploit, rob the goa 1989 jee topper, single woman engineer so that bengaluru brahmin nayanshree, and goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan’s educational fraud is not exposed
In addition to closing the coinbase account, the government employees have blocked payment from, and another website

Now amount due from also cannot be withdrawn, raw allegedly blocking the payment to reduce revenue

Indicating extremely high levels of corruption, human rights abuses, government SLAVERY in india, raw/cbi are hiring and paying a monthly government salary to lazy greedy housewives only COOKING, CLEANING for their lazy greedy fraud families like indore cheater housewife deepika/veena, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, goan call girls siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, other frauds like gurugram human resources manager fraud ruchita kinge, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, and then falsely claiming that they own the domains, bank account of a single woman engineer, domain investor whose these great fraud raw/cbi employees, their husbands and associates HATE, CRIMINALLY DEFAME

with the help of the fraud indian tech and internet companies, these CHEATER raw/cbi employees ran the world’s greatest ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD since 2010, and now after the financial fraud was legally proved in 2023, the cheater raw/cbi employees especially indore cheater housewife deepika/veena, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro are extremely vicious in blocking payment to the domain investor , single woman who they have ROBBED of Rs 15 lakh annually since 2010
the shameless fraud indian tech, internet companies are also spreading fake rumors that government employees allegedly from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay, who actually hate the domain investor, have never helped her, are paying for the domains, when it can be legally proved that the cheater government employees have never paid any money for the domains.

Now showing how the indian tech and internet companies are the greatest supporters of GREEDY SHAMELESS BANKING domain FRAUDSTERS like indore cheater raw employee deepika/veena, the real domain investor finds that the little money that is due to her, is also being blocked, now she is getting an error for, she cannot transfer the amount to her account balance.

To cover up BANKING FRAUD, government SLAVERY, haryana government allegedly blocking payment from Adsterra, and closing coinbase account

One of the reasons the revenues of the domain investor are low is because the state governments are intentionally blocking online payment to cover up the BANKING FRAUD, government SLAVERY on the domain investor since 2010.
One of the reasons why haryana,gurugram is flourishing is because the haryana officials/leaders are the top EXTORTIONISTS in india, running the greatest government SLAVERY, financial, banking fraud since 2010, to get GREEDY GOOD LOOKING FRAUDS like raw employee ruchita kinge from the state no work, no investment government jobs FAKING domain ownership, bank account while CHEATING, EXPLOITING,ROBBING hardworking citizens from rest of india, with marathi speaking professionals, investors from north karnataka worst affected
Though haryana’s favorite FRAUD human animal raw employee ruchita kinge has never invested any money in domains, never did any computer work , has no online income, the SHAMELESS CHEATER haryana government has got its top FRAUD ruchita kinge, a raw job in the indian internet sector, falsely claiming that the greedy ruthless robber ruchita kinge, optum human resources manager who never invested any money in domains, is a domain investor while CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the real domain investor who is actually paying the domain renewal fees
Though the SHAMELESS GREEDY CHEATER haryana government got its favorite FRAUD ruchita kinge a raw job FAKING domain ownership[ in 2012 being the most shameless GREEDY LIAR FRAUD government it has not asked the top fraud haryana raw employee ruchita to purchase the domains legally, yet continues to make fake claims about domain ownership and get haryana’s most shameless cheater ruchita kinge a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor, a harmless single woman
Haryana top cheater raw employee ruchita kinge is a human resources manager at optum, getting a salary of Rs 15 lakh annually, she is aware that businesses have to pay their employees or contractors some compensation for the work they do, they are legally obliged to.

Managing websites , writing content takes time , the real domain investor is not getting any compensation from any government or company for the work she does, money she invests and when she is working online to pay for domain renewal expenses the greedy haryana government is trying to extort more money from her, instead of getting the money from haryana’s favorite fraud ruchita kinge who is getting a very good monthly raw salary only for FAKING domain ownership, bank account after BRIBING the corrupt karnataka official
Since the real domain investor who has become a haryana government slave, is making very less money due to the domain ownership fraud of raw/cbi employees like ruthless ruchita kinge, she cannot afford to spend more, and now the haryana government is allegedly blocking all the payment from Adsterra, and now even the coinbase account was closed

Even withdrawal blocked for some indian users only to reduce revenues withdrawal is not working , the user has a balance of more than 31 rubles in the account, yet the withdrawal is blocked to the webmoney purse is blocked. The following message is displayed

The service is temporarily unavailable, please try again later.
Contacting technical support will not speed up this process in any way

The error message was displayed for both Chrome and Firefox browser. It appears that indian government agencies NTRO/raw have asked to block withdrawals for some indian users. Already the indian users are making very less money since they do not get a government salary, and now their hard earned money withdrawal is also blocked

On the website, other users are able to withdraw their money without any problem, only some indian users are facing a problem for the last 15 days.

Now even the domain parking revenue are being robbed

The domain investor invests money in domains hoping to make some money
She paid for some expiring domains, and was able to make some money initially.
However for the last few days, she is not being paid anything
It appears that after robbing advertising revenues, now parking revenues are also being robbed allegedly by the domain fraudster raw/cbi employees like pune axe bank manager nikhil premchandani, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel and others who do not pay any domain expenses at all.
So it is not worthwhile investing money in domains, when the greedy government employees and their associates are robbing revenues, while the domain investor makes a loss paying huge renewal fees every year

Indian government agencies refuse to acknowledge that business revenues decreases, repeat black money allegations like parrots

In the tech , internet sector, when the technology is new, the early investors are making a lot of money for a few years
They may splurge when they have more money, or withdraw more cash from the bank, especially 10-15 years ago when credit cards were not used
Then when the technology becomes popular or outdated, the early investors may not make money, especially if they are harassed or mentally tortured
Yet the well paid government employees, profitable tech and internet companies refuse to admit that the business revenues have declined to a great extent, and hysterically make fake black money allegations
When the online business revenues have drastically reduced, there is no way the business owner can make a profit, yet the government employees whose salary increases regularly refuse to acknowledge the reality and continue to hysterically make fake allegations in a clear case of criminally defamation

To show low revenues, raw employee siddhi mandrekar is very malicious in harassing, asks ad network to delay payment

raw employee siddhi mandrekar never invested money in domains, yet got great powers due to her powerful lovers, sugar daddies like puneet is very malicious in harassing, asks ad network to delay payment
The ad network promises payment by 7th , yet siddhi asked the ad network to postpone payment indefinitely. to show that revenues are very low
So the domain investor was forced to withdraw domain sale money since the bank balance would become very low
Then suddenly the ad network processed the payment on 10th, and the domain sales payment is also received
Now when the payment is received on monday they will hysterically make fake security threat allegations, though the amount is very less

Even domain parking traffic is being diverted and stolen to reduce revenues

As part of the government writing fraud, slavery, the government agencies are openly involved in cybercrime and falsely claiming that their lazy greedy employees who do not spend any time, are doing the writing work to give them great powers and monthly salary
So after a good domain sale, the domain investor is investing money in domains which can be parked, flipped or used for advertising
Yet showing how selfish and greedy the government employees are, they are also robbing the parking traffic and stealing it without a legally valid reason causing losses to the domain investor.
The domain investor had purchased a domain only because the domain registrar claimed that it had 1144 visitors in a month , approximately 35 visitors in a day
On the first day of parking with bodis, the domain was showing 6 visitors, after which it is not showing any visitor at all, for the next two days, which is odd for a high traffic domain.
Realizing that greedy government employees in india who are extremely aggressive, shameless in looting online investors may be stealing the visitors, the domain investor changed the parking to another parking company and it is now again showing some visitors
The greedy government employees are getting a very good salary,pension and bribes, yet they are allowed to loot other indian citizens, especially investors, stealing their traffic and advertising revenues causing great losses to them

Despite having assets of Rs 100 crores, Pinkhouse partner domain fraudster greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel ROBBING parking revenues from domain investor

Though the Pinkhouse partner CIA, MI6 stooge domain fraudster greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel never paid for domains, she got a lucrative raw job in 2013 FAKING domain ownership with the help of her powerful fraud boyfriend puneet, who falsely claimed that he owned the domains, websites, savings, assets of his btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay who he HATED to destroy her life, reputation, CHEAT, EXPLOIT, ROB her to the maximum extent possible. Additionally on reddit people claim that raw employee amita patel is paying massive BRIBES to karnataka officials, leaders so that her online, financial fraud is not exposed
Despite having assets of Rs 100 crores, Pinkhouse partner domain fraudster greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel ROBBING parking revenues from domain investor, single woman engineer causing great losses
As part of the government writing fraud, slavery, the government agencies are openly involved in cybercrime and falsely claiming that their lazy greedy employees who do not spend any time, are doing the writing work to give them great powers and monthly salary
So after a good domain sale, the domain investor is investing money in domains which can be parked, flipped or used for advertising
Yet showing how selfish and greedy the government employees are, they are also robbing the parking traffic and stealing it without a legally valid reason causing losses to the domain investor.
The domain investor had purchased a domain only because the domain registrar claimed that it had 1144 visitors in a month , approximately 35 visitors in a day
On the first day of parking with bodis, the domain was showing 6 visitors, after which it is not showing any visitor at all, for the next two days, which is odd for a high traffic domain.
Realizing that greedy government employees in india who are extremely aggressive, shameless in looting online investors may be stealing the visitors, the domain investor changed the parking to another parking company and it is now again showing some visitors
The greedy government employees are getting a very good salary,pension and bribes, yet they are allowed to loot other indian citizens, especially investors, stealing their traffic and advertising revenues causing great losses to them