Bengaluru R&AW employee cheater housewife nayanshree relatives, friends do everything possible to cause losses to google competitor, yet shamelessly want to take credit for her revenues

The fraud liar relatives and friends of shivalli brahmin R&AW employee cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar (like sex worker sunaina, siddhi) are ruthless in causing losses to the harmless google competitor since 2010, yet shamelessly want to take credit for the income of the google competitor in a clear indication of brahmin atrocities in india. In 2017 are stealing almost all emails, except junk emails, leads, orders, blocking payment repeatedly, defaming the google competitor

The websites are also hacked, and NTRO tries to ensure that the hosting is not restored. when the google competitor is making great losses due to corporate espionage of brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar’s relatives and friends why she should she tolerate these cunning liar fraud men giving credit to the lazy greedy fraud brahmin housewife R&AW employee who cheated her of rs 1.1 lakh and refuse to reply.

If the google competitor was making a great profit with the help of nayanshree’s relatives and friends, giving credit would be justified, when nayanshree hathwars relatives, friends like puneet, hathwar, kodancha are doing everything possible to cause losses to the google competitor since 2010 wasting indian tax payer money, to force her to agree to identity theft, why should the google competitor give credit to the brahmin cheater housewife who looted her and refused to reply

Ads added and removed to waste time of google competitor

After stealing the resume, savings, correspondence, memory of google competitor, now the fraud ntro, cbi, raw employees are also doing everything possible to waste the time of the google competitor, without compensating her in any way, reducing revenues
so in the beginning of may 2018 some ads of value $0.09 were sold, however by 8th may, the ads were removed, wasting the time

There is almost no paying work online, so the google competitor is spending all her time exposing the google, tata sex, bribery racket, financial fraud, so that more people are not duped by the lies of google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi employees

Memory reading used to reduce revenues of google competitor

On Namepros , rohitgoyal has openly stated that he owns 1000 domains, and he recently registered 200 .com domains at a time .

The google competitor has only approximately 500 domains, far less than rohitgoyal, yet she alone is selectively targetted for memory reading, theft, causing great losses, health problems, insomnia for more than 8 years, in a clear case of discrimination

the ntro employees are stealing the memory not for national security only for causing great losses to the engineer and google competitor, to get sex, money bribes. Whenever the google competitor decides to focus on any activity, the memory reading is used to sabotage the activity causing great losses, reducing revenues

Magenet account password of google competitor changed by hackers

After defaming the google competitor for years, with their lies, it appears that the ntro employees and hackers have started believing their lies and are repeating their making the mistake of underestimating her, forgetting the mistake which was made 10 years
The fraud ntro employees led by the brahmin cheaters puneet, j srinivasan, falsely claimed that they were doing everything, when actually they are doing almost nothing to help the engineer and google competitor.
On May 1, 2018, the google competitor was trying to withdraw money from her magenet account , as part of the monthly withdrawal, and she found that she was getting the message, the password is incorrect
it appears that the browser was hacked or the password was changed by the hackers, hoping that they would be able to block the payment withdrawal.
however despite being defamed by the google, tata, ntro employees who falsely claim that their favorite goan bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina chodan, whose sex services they enjoy, is doing work online , in reality the vvip goan sex worker sunaina is not doing any work online, and the google competitor remains in control of the websites
So she was able to reset the password for the Magenet account, and withdraw the money to her paypal account, which 10 google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees falsely claim to own.

For blocking payment, closing account of google competitor, google, tata making fake claims about bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar

It can be easily and legally proved that the google, tata sponsored bengaluru R&AW employee shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar is only looking after her house and family, she is not doing any work online, not spending any time doing work online.

However her relatives like kodancha, hathwar are very powerful intelligence and security agency employees with a lot of discretionary powers and can abuse these powers to block the payment, steal leads, orders and close the account of the google competitor on almost every online website without being questioned at all.

So in a barter deal, the fraud companies google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi, are putting the google competitor under surveillance and falsely claiming that the shivalli brahmin bengaluru housewife nayanshree hathwar, goan bhandari sex worker sunaina, gsb frauds siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak and other frauds are doing the work online, to pay all these frauds a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the google competitor, causing further losses, reducing her revenues.

Goan gsb fraud mafia blocks another payment of google competitor as part of deal for raw/cbi jobs for goan gsb frauds riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar with fake resumes

Working online is a waste of time in goa, because the shameless goan gsb fraud mafia of caro, mandrekar, nayak in intelligence and security agencies are ruthless in blocking payment of the google competitor, abusing their powers to cause losses, reduce revenues as part of deal for raw/cbi jobs for goan gsb frauds housewife riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar with fake resumes, stolen from google competitor

An ad network Li , based in Texas was supposed to make payment on March 10, 2018 as the amount balance was more than $25, however despite opening many support tickets, the payment has not been released
However as part of the google, tata bribery deal, the goan gsb fraud mafia especially caro,mandrekar are supposed to abuse their powers and misguide all the foreign ad networks, so that they do not release the payment, and then the shameless fraud google,tata employees will dupe people that the greedy shameless goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi, who do not spend any money on domain names, own the domains, website of the google competitor

Google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar has plenty of money to spend dancing in pubs with an entrance fee of Rs 1500 a night, purchase a car worth Rs 4 lakh yet she does not have the decency, honesty and humanity to pay the market price of domains which mostly cost Rs 30000 or less each, still they are blocking the payment repeatedly

it appears that a very powerful person in austin texas, was duped by the lies of the goan gsb fraud mafia, because when she complained about the website, hosting, domain expenses, she got a very low offer for an expensive domain.

google ceo sundar pichai is one of the greatest financial fraudsters online,allegedly bribing the indian government to falsely claim that lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan prostitute R&AW employees slim goan bhandari sunaina chodan 2013 bsc, 2012 goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, FRAUD RAW/cbi employees like panaji extortionist gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, brahmin housewife nayanshree hathwar, indore document robber veena, gujju housewife naina, asmita patel, ruchika and others faking a btech 1993 ee degree , have the resume, investment of the google competitor
This is causing greatest financial problems for the google competitor as her payment from american and other companies is being blocked repeatedly by the google, tata sponsored fraud R&&AW/cbi employes who are impersonating her and falsely claiming to own her websites, domains, without spending any money and time online.

crores of indian tax payer money are wasted due to the google financial fraud, so the google ceo should be stripped of his btech 1993 degree by iit kharagpur

Any tips to end the payment blocking fraud of the goan mafia will be greatly appreciated as investing time and money online has become a waste of time

Advertising revenues of google competitor reducing due to NTRo’s sex, bribery racket

NTRO is the biggest fraud indian government agency , putting a google competitor under surveillance, and then falsely claiming that the google, tata supplied goan call girls their employees have sex with, cheater housewives, document robbers like indore crook veena , and relatives of officials like nayanshree, riddhi nayak, who do not spend any money online, own the domain names of the google competitor, to pay all these frauds a monthly government/raw/cbi salary at the expense of the domain investor, google competitor who is working like a slave.

Additionally ntro along with raw is also blocking most ad sales for the google competitor, to cover up their sex, bribery racket, financial fraud, so now the advertising revenues of the domain investor, google competitor are static, often decreasing. So the domain investor only makes enough to cover renewals of the domains she has, she does not have the money to pay for registration, renewals of more domains.She is also not interested in wasting her savings on the fraud controlled indian internet sector.

So now the google competitor can only afford to do product research, where she has to spend time, she has no money for domain research due to indian government, google, tata, ntro’s financial fraud on her since 2010. When the financial fraud of NTRO will end,only then the engineer will be able to do some research.

In April 2018, ntro ruthless in reducing revenues of google competitor

It appears that the sex, bribery ntro, google, tata racket, deal was mainly focussed on greatly reducing the revenues of the google competior, so that the resume theft, banking fraud of ntro was not exposed. In March 2018, with a domain sale, the revenues increased to the highest level in 3 years. It appears google was very upset at the increase, so instructions were given to do everything to reduce revenues.
So there are almost no articles at iwriter, and no link sales
There are many top officials like mandrekar, caro, nayak, hathwar, j srinivasan, involved in the sex, bribery racket, so there is a great incentive to reduce the revenues to the extent possible

I Don’t Need to Do Any Housecleaning Thanks to People Who Do It for Me

My dad used to ground me often when I was a kid because I didn’t want to do my chores at home. I disliked cleaning early on in life, and sadly, that has not changed. However, It works out well now that the employees that work really like cleaning, and they do a fantastic job of it for me. If it weren’t for their help, my home would be a mess all of the time. As an adult, the only times that I have really pushed myself to make my place look nice has been when I heard that family members or an important friend were coming over. Even then, I did not enjoy the task at all.

When I was really young, my mom would get really frustrated that I didn’t help around the house more. I remember that she started out with an 8-inch by 12-inch chore chart on the wall for me to follow. Continue reading “I Don’t Need to Do Any Housecleaning Thanks to People Who Do It for Me”

The Kids Have Their Ups and Downs

There’s something about my kids and their classes that usually happens once a year. They’ll start a class and perform well in it, but then they’ll reach a certain point where their grade will start to slip and they’ll need the help of a tutor. Before it was math and history, but now it’s physics. I’ve hired a physics tuition service to give them extra help after school. So far, the service has been doing a good job with the kids. Their grades are noticeably better than they were before, and they don’t take as much time to finish their homework as before.

When I was in school, I didn’t have the same problem, because I always started out doing terribly in classes. At least my kids had the advantage of being better at the beginning. I would have to stay after school and get help from the teacher to bring my grades up. Continue reading “The Kids Have Their Ups and Downs”